Monday, December 8, 2008


The last post for this year....we have had a tremendous time in Year 5 in 2008. We have been on some fantastic excursions, learnt lots in the classroom and learnt lots abot ourselves and the sort of people we want to be as we get older.

We also have to say a big goodbye and good luck to Miss B who unfortunately is leaving us today. She is off to a new school and we wish her all the very best!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Late last term Oschi and some other boys from our class decided to enter us into the ARL Banner Comp. It involved us all working together to create a 2m x 2m banner that supported one of the countries in the World Cup with a harmony message and the colours of the country we chose. Guess what???? Of all the schools who entered the comp ours won! Along with some other schools we have won 50 tickets to the semi final in brisbane...awesome!!! Here is our banner! We can't wait to get to the game. We may even be on Channel 9 so keep an eye out for the CTK crew!


Last week on the 6 and 7 of November our class along with the Year 6's went on an overnight camp. We had so much fun participating in heaps of great team building challenges and sharing lots of laughs. Here we are in action.

Welcome back to Term 4!

Welcome back all to the last term for 2008. There sure is alot planned with our pre leadership camp to get ready for, "The Interview" and of course all the end of year parties!!!!! Unfortunately it's also time to say goodbye and good luck to Miss B as she will be starting at a new school next let's not hold back and enjoy the end to another awesome year!!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Another sad day as we had to endure playing games, watching a movie while eating popcorn and going out for a game of Kick Tennis....yeeehaaa....another 2 weeks of holidays!!!


Today Year 4-7 had a great time visiting each others classrooms to see all the great work they did on their country expo! Each class presented various displays on one of 24 different countries from all over the world. In groups we studied Mexico, Turkey, Sudan, Samoa, Peru and Spain. Each group created a poster, brochure and various giveaways! We all had lots of fun putting on the expo and showing the other grades. Here we are in action....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last Friday Year 4-7 got to hear from a fantastic Aussie author Andy Griffiths. Andy was great to listen to as he gave us lots of ways that we can annoy our parents, teachers and brothers and sisters. Some of us brought some money to buy one of his books. We were very lucky to have it personally signed. We all had a fun time!